As of 2023, 74% of New Zealand households were either already in financial difficulty or have little financial resilience. There was and still is a clear need for change and promoting the financial wellbeing of everyday Kiwis.
ASB, a bank in Aotearoa New Zealand was undergoing a large-scale reset of their core experiences and needed to figure out how to address the financial wellbeing gap and bake their values in the heart of it all.

We worked on a 2 phased financial wellbeing project, starting by learning at the human, small-scale — to then scale up those learnings via the banks core app.
We started with prototyping, testing and creating a pilot for a new financial wellbeing 1:1 conversation service. It involved a private financial review alongside a human conversation about the values and goals of a customer. It looked like 2 screens and a booklet (A shared-screen driver, an iPad with a quiz / graphed stats, and a booklet to write down key info).
This was designed to help a customer self-identify the disconnection between their current actions and their goals, and identifying clear opportunities. This rounded out with creating an action plan and literally helping the customer take the first step and generating momentum, ticking off the first box.
I'm really proud of this service we designed. In our concept testing, 4 out of 5 customers said the next day they felt less anxious about money and felt more in control, and 5 of 5 took additional action at home, independent of 1:1 guidance.
We eventually realised this as a core service offering called the Financial Wellbeing Review, which prioritised the most important aspects of the 1:1 conversation and combined it with an interactive shared screen to bring it's time significantly down. It's since launched to all ASB branches in Aotearoa New Zealand and sees it as a core part of 75,000 conversations each year.
The second phase took the learnings from that human conversation and scaled it up to the core app experience. We explored how similar themes of transparency, giving customers the right info at the right time, automation, and explicit control could empower customers to build their own money system and make the best decisions for them.
I prototyped and tested key experiences with customers, that got reactions like —
“I would use this app 100%, I’m not good and money and I don’t know how to manage it. This takes out the thinking... like the good angel sitting on my shoulder.”
“I found it very helpful and something I would absolutely like to use... I’d join a bank for an app like this.
No nudge or notification can change a persons behaviour, and designing that just annoys people. Instead, design needs to focus on providing the right information at the right time, and make positive actions stupidly easy, to empower ones intrinsic motivation. This can happen in an app for micro-moments every day, or can scale all the way to lengthy 1:1 appointments that provide clarity and the ability to take action without dictation.
Courtney Gribble, Product Manager
Tash Pagano, Design Strategy
Aradhna Padayachie, Design Strategy
Bella Miller, Research
Simon Hopkins, Research
Yasin Masukor, Product Design
Nick Gower, SME